Collective Members

Schem Rogerson Bader

Dr. Bader is a Mitacs Postdoctoral Fellow with York University, Archive-Counter Archive, and The ArQuives: Canada’s Queer Archive. With a PhD in Communication and Culture from the Joint Graduate Program at York/Ryerson Universities and an MFA from The School of Visual Arts in New York, Schem embraces interdisciplinarity and intersections of theory and practice. Focusing on queer history, their research examines historical violence and persistence. The recent co-authored publication with Paul Long,  Media Studies: Texts, Production will be launched by Routledge, Fall 2021. Other articles include, “I, Mabel Hampton: Political Power and The Archive” (PUBLIC, 2018) and “The Idiosyncratic Archive: Queerness, Duration and Photography” (Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender, and Culture, 2018). Recently, Schem received the SSHRC Connections Grant (2021) for Indexing Resistance: The Blood & Guts of Queer Protest to coincide with Toronto Pride, June 2022.
